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Problems of high cholesterol?

Try this concoction!


  • 2 lemons untreated, washed and cut into wedges without removing the skin
  • 2 carrots washed, peeled and chopped
  • 2 teaspoons anise seed
  • 2 tablespoons rosemary flowers (flowers used in the absence of leaves)
  • 2 tablespoons fennel seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseed
  • 1 liter of water


Boil all ingredients in a quart of water for 10 minutes and filtered.

Drink a glass of this decoction in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before bedtime.

Take this treatment for 2 weeks, wanting to continue for 15 days and sospendetela do it again the next two weeks.

Take control of analysis to see the result.

If you take the medicine does not sospendetele, always follow the advice of your doctor.


This post is also available in: French, Italian, Spanish

Recipes easy and quick to cook. In cucina con Manu.
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