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The tea

The tea is a cure and helps you burn more calories: Contains calcium, potassium high power draining, magnesium helps to calm the nervous hunger, sodium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins.

This combination of active ingredients helps you lose weight, slows the aging process, strengthens the immune system and fights free radicals.

Tea reduces the absorption of fat and burns more calories, improves heart function and blood circulation.

Its high content of protein stimulates brain activity and that of tannin, which gives off the tea to brew only after five minutes, has a calming effect on irritated the stomach and intestines.

Moreover, the presence of vitamin C strengthens the microcirculation and thus countering fluid retention cellulite.

The high presence of chlorophyll cleanses and rejuvenates counteracting metabolic slowdown.

Finally, the tea gives well-being and serenity.

Think that all these qualities tea gives them to us without the calories!


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Recipes easy and quick to cook. In cucina con Manu.
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