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Timbale of potatoes, carrots and peas

Ingredients for 6 persons: 1.2 kg of potatoes 300 grams of shelled peas 300 grams of carrots 100 grams of butter 4 eggs 3 tablespoons of grated cheese nutmeg salt   Preparation: Wash and boil the potatoes in their skins, boiled separately shelled peas and carrots peeled and washed, drained vegetables, always separate from each […]

Queens with shrimp, zucchini and zucchini flowers

Ingredients for 4 people: 320 grams of queens pasta 400 grams of prawns 3 zucchini clear 8 zucchini flowers 2 stalks of celery 1 carrot 1 onion 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 sprinkle of red pepper to taste salt   Preparation: Wash the prawns, shell them recorded with the kitchen scissors, hold the […]

Sea bream with herbs and vegetable caponata

Ingredients for 4 people: 4 fillets of sea bream about 100 g each 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil thyme basil parsley 1 courgette 1 carrot 1 stalk of celery 1 shallot 1 ripe tomato salt black pepper   Preparation: Take away any plugs from the fillets, cut into diamond shapes (diamond-shaped pieces) 3 […]

Cold cream of beetroot

Ingredients for 4 people: 3 cooked beets 1 leek 1 carrot 1 stalk of celery 1 lemon 50 ml of vegetable broth 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 25 cl of cream salt pink pepper   Preparation: Trim the leeks, remove the outer leaves and tough, with the carrot and chop the celery well washed […]

Centrifuged onion

Ingredients for 2 persons: 1 onion of Tropea 2 carrots 2 leaves of basil   Preparation: Peel the onion and carrot, wash and cut into small pieces, put them in the vegetable Centrifugal previously washed with basil, operate the machine and collect the juice into glasses. Drink it immediately. I prefer to recommend the onion […]

Centrifuged carrot

Ingredients for 2 persons: 2 carrots 2 apples   Preparation: Washed and peeled carrots and apples, cut into pieces, put them in the centrifuge, control everything and collect the juice in 2 cups, drink it immediately. This drink is a source of beta carotene, stimulates the immune system and helps to purify the skin, it […]

Seafood salad and economic rebalancing

Ingredients for 2 persons: 1 prepared for seafood salad of 500 g 1 carrot 1 onion 1 celery 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 lemon 1 clove of garlic 1 lemon salt pepper laurel 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil   Preparation Clean, wash and cut vegetables into small cubes and put them to cook […]

Risotto with turkey and vegetable fat burning

Ingredients for 2 persons: 140 grams of rice Rome 150 grams of turkey breast 1 trumpet 1 carrot 1falda red pepper 1 layer of green pepper 1 layer of yellow pepper 6 almonds salt 3 cm of fresh ginger root 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil   Preparation: Wash and check the zucchini, cut into […]

Pureed cannellini beans with prawns

Ingredients for 4 people: 12 shrimp 3 handfuls of frozen shrimp 400 grams of beans 1 stalk of celery 1 onion 1 carrot extra virgin olive oil salt black pepper to taste   Preparation: Wash and clean the shrimp raising, leaving all the armor on its back and recorded with a vertical cut in order […]

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