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Lobster boiled of timbale potatoes

Ingredients for 4 people: 1 lobster 4 potatoes salt pepper extra virgin olive oil 4 boiled beans to decorate   Preparation:   Boil the lobster, clean and season with salt, pepper, olive oil and serve on potato pies

Timbale of potatoes

Ingredients for 4 people: 4 potatoes salt pepper   Preparation:   Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into julienne strips and place them in a bowl, add salt, pepper and trasferitelesu a baking sheet lined with parchment paper with the help of a pastry rings to give the round shape. Bake at 180 degrees for […]

Baskets of potatoes

Peel a potato, wash it cut it in half, check the two ends so that they can stand upright in the pot, and sfaccettatele scavatele inside the perimeter. Then boil them in water or normal if you want to color, add in the cooking water 1 tsp saffron.  

Round potato focaccia

Ingredients for 4 people: 250 grams of white flour “00” 120 g of potatoes 100ml milk ½ cube of yeast 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil   Preparation: Dissolve the yeast in a bowl with milk, add the flour, extra virgin olive oil previously boiled and mashed, stir and transfer the dough on a […]

Red clam chowder

Ingredients for 4 people: 1 kg of clams 1 glass of white wine 1 onion 50 g of sweet bacon 2 stalks of celery 2 tablespoons of flour 2 cans of chopped tomatoes 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 400 g of potatoes 40 g of butter 3 tablespoons coarse salt pepper to taste   Preparation: Wash […]

Stuffed peppers with Omega 3

Ingredients for 2 persons: 2 bell peppers of different colors, but also of the same size 2 small cans of tuna in brine 2 boiled potatoes 1 bunch of parsley 4 basil leaves salt black pepper   Preparation: Cut the peppers in half, clean them by removing the seeds and filaments white inside, wash and […]

Potato timbale version 1

Ingredients for 4 people: 4 potatoes salt oregano   Preparation: Take the potatoes, peel them without washing them into slices so as not to remove the starch, with the help of a coppapasta arrange on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper to form discs of potato. Add salt, sprinkle with oregano and bake at […]

Timbale of potatoes Version 2

Ingredients for 4 people: 4 potatoes salt   Preparation: Wash the potatoes in their skins, peel and mash the mandolin in order to get the potatoes cut like matches, salt. Prepare a baking sheet lined with baking paper and with the help of a coppapasta, fill it with the potatoes into pies, bake at 180 […]

Octopus, sauteed potatoes and pine nuts

Ingredients for 4 people: 1 kg of octopus 350 g potatoes 2 bay leaves 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 handful of pine nuts 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 4 leaves of parsley   Preparation. Wash the octopus and put to boil in cold water for about 45 minutes and let it cool in its […]

Roses potato fries

Ingredients for 8 roses 4 medium potatoes Oil for frying salt Preparation: Wash the potatoes with the peel and cut into thin slices with a mandolin, resulting in the thin slices. Take the first slice, roll it on itself, giving a conical shape, then add one by one until you get to the other 5 […]

Squid, grilled potatoes and trumpets

Ingredients for 4 people: 1 kg of squid 6 trumpets 4 potatoes extra virgin olive oil salt Preparation: Clean the squid, cut them in half and made ​​cuts along the edge, heat a nonstick pan, put the squid and cook for about 20 minutes on each side, season with salt and add a drizzle of […]

Potatoes with garlic flowers

Ingredients for 4 people: 1 kg of floury potatoes with yellow flesh 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil 1 clove of garlic flowers fresh garlic salt black pepper Preparation: Peel, wash, cut the potatoes into chunks of approximately 6 cm and steam cook. Meanwhile, prepare a bowl with the olive oil and garlic and […]

Puree of potatoes and trumpets with shrimp

Ingredients: 20 prawns freeze 20/40 4 potatoes 4 trumpets extra virgin olive oil salt black pepper 4 basil leaves 8 zucchini flowers Preparation: Thaw the shrimp and toss in the pan for 5 minutes with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, season with salt and pepper and keep aside. Boil the potatoes in their […]

Potato dumplings stuffed with cheese

Ingredients for 4 people: 1.2 kg of potatoes 300 g of flour 1 egg 150 g Fontal salt Ingredients for the sauce: ½ head of Treviso ½ onion 100 grams of bacon extra virgin olive oil salt black pepper grated parmesan cheese Preparation: Wash the potatoes and cook in plenty of cold salted water for […]

Pan of chestnuts and escarole

Ingredients for 4 people: 300 grams of dried chestnuts 400 g of endive 400 g of potatoes 50 g pitted black olives 6 anchovy fillets in oil 1 handful of pine nuts 1 hot pepper 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil 1 clove of garlic salt   Preparation: Boil the chestnuts and drain, wash […]

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